The IEEE Seventh Working Conference on Current Measurement Technology

Current and Wave Monitoring and Emerging Technologies

March 13-15 | Bahia Hotel | San Diego, CA, USA


Guidelines for submitting final papers for the IEEE 7th Working Conference on Current Measurement

The proceedings for the conference will be published on CD and hardcopy. Both the CD and hardcopy will be developed directly from Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) (opens in new window) files.

We will accept papers in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (2000, 97 and 95) and 8_" x 11" hardcopy, in order of preference.

If you wish to include color images in your document, electronic submission is the best way. The printed proceedings will be in black and white. Graphics will appear in color on the CD of the conference proceedings.

Please note the page limit is 5 pages maximum.

If your paper is not received in time for publication (January 30, 2003) then you are responsible for providing 300 copies of the paper at the meeting.

A guide to the format for papers submitted to this conference is available as an Adobe PDF (2 pages, 20K) and as a Microsoft Word 2000 document (2 pages, 44K). Both include embedded style set ups for the various recommended text appearances, and a tip about importing MATLAB figures into word. We hope that they will be a good starting template for your writing.

If you wish to have the most control of your paper's appearance, the best format to submit to us is Adobe PDF by using your favorite word processor and Adobe Acrobat (opens in new window) to print to a PDF file. Papers submitted in Microsoft Word format will be converted to Adobe PDF using Acrobat Acrobat 5.0. Hardcopy will be scanned to be included on the CD. We will not be responsible for the clarity of scanned images.